HRS 0626-0001-0303 ANNOTATIONS


The criteria established by this rule are modeled upon, and accord generally with, those of Cal. Evid. Code §§630-646, with modifications appropriate to the rules of law of this jurisdiction.

Subsection (a): This provision establishes the general criteria for determination of those presumptions that impose on the adverse party only the burden of producing evidence. Although it is arguable that any assumption which gains the status of a legal presumption finds some support in policy, even if no more than the policy of procedural convenience, such considerations do not meet the standards of "public policy" within the intent of this subsection and Rule 304(a). A "public policy" should be (1) compelling, and (2) extrinsic to the action in which the presumption is offered. The catalogue of presumptions in subsection (c) of this rule, while not exhaustive, is determinative for these presumptions and is illustrative of the class of presumptions appropriately governed by this rule.

Subsection (b): The purpose of the definition of the term "burden of producing evidence" in Rule 301(3) supra, is to clarify the nature of the burden in terms of the obligation imposed on the party against whom it is directed. The purpose of the present provision, in contrast, is to define the effect of a Rule 303 presumption. The degree of proof necessary to support a finding of nonexistence should be, as McCormick suggests, more than a "scintilla," McCormick §338. "To amount to more than a mere scintilla the evidence must be of a character sufficiently substantial, in view of all the circumstances of the case, to warrant the finding from it the fact to establish which the evidence was introduced." Holstein v. Benedict, 22 H. 441, 445 (1915). One federal court suggested that it should be "evidence of such quality and weight that reasonable and fair-minded men in the exercise of impartial judgment might reach different conclusions," Boeing Co. v. Shipman, 411 F.2d 365, 374 (5th Cir. 1969).

The last sentence of this subsection is applicable in circumstances in which the burden has been met and the presumption overcome. Although the trier of fact is barred from treating the presumption as established, the facts in evidence which initially created the presumption, balanced against the evidence offered to rebut it, may give rise to a permissible inference, and nothing in this rule should be construed to bar such an inference.

Subsection (c): Although the list of presumptions in this subsection closely parallels the traditional common law presumptions incorporated in Cal. Evid. Code §§631-646, several changes have been effected consistent with Hawaii law. The California provision treating the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur as a presumption, Cal. Evid. Code §646, is omitted, consistent with the Hawaii Supreme Court determination that the doctrine is not a presumption but a permissible inference, see commentary to Rule 301(2) supra. Presumption (15), "Continuation of a fact, condition, or state," is based upon Hawaii Supreme Court decisions.

Presumption (10) finds support in Territory v. Alohikea, 24 H. 570, 571 (1918): "[T]he mailing of a letter, postage prepaid, raises a presumption of receipt by the addressee." In Ahlo v. Tai Lung, 9 H. 272 (1893), the court declined to extend the presumption of receipt of a letter to include a presumption that it had been answered.

Presumption (12), establishing the criteria for the presumption of authenticity of ancient documents, is addressed in detail by the court in Hulihee v. Heirs of Hueu, 57 H. 312, 315, 555 P.2d 495, 498 (1976).

The customary minimum requirements are that the document must have been in existence for a period of not less than thirty years, that when originally discovered it must have been in some place where it would be natural to find a genuine document of its tenor and it must be unsuspicious in appearance. In the case of deeds of land, a fourth requirement is often stated, to the effect that the party claiming under the instrument or his predecessors must have been in occupation of the land since the time of the document's purported execution or some other circumstance giving an equivalent inference of genuineness must appear in addition to the required age, custody, and appearance.

Under the present rule, the age criterion has been changed to 20 years to comport with Rule 901(b)(8) of these rules and Fed. R. Evid. 901(b)(8).

The criteria for establishing the presumption of authenticity of an ancient document in this rule and the requirements for authentication of an ancient document in Rule 901(b)(8) are similar but not redundant because each serves a discrete evidentiary function. Rule 901(b)(8) is a preliminary admissibility requirement; an ancient document must qualify under the criteria established by that provision before it can even be introduced into evidence. Having surmounted the initial hurdle of admissibility, the document may be offered to the trier of fact as presumptively authentic on the basis of the same criteria, on the condition that the adverse party does not offer evidence in rebuttal sufficient to meet the burden of producing evidence. Should he succeed in doing so, the document remains in evidence, but the party upon whose behalf it has been introduced is not entitled to an instruction on the presumption of its authenticity.

Presumption (15) finds support in a series of Hawaii Supreme Court decisions. In Carey v. Hawaiian Lumber Mills, 21 H. 506, 511 (1913), the court said: "It is a rule of evidence that where the existence of a fact, condition or state of things is once established, the law presumes that such fact, condition, or state of things continues to exist as before, until the contrary is shown, or a different presumption is raised." See also Drummond v. Makaena, 30 H. 116 (1927). In subsequent decisions, the court reaffirmed this general rule with qualification. The presumption can be invoked only for conditions or things which by their nature are continuous rather than transitory, Henry Waterhouse Trust Co. v. Rawlins, 33 H. 876 (1936); and it can be overcome by a contrary presumption, Tropic Builders, Ltd. v. Naval Ammunition Depot, 48 H. 306, 402 P.2d 440 (1965).


The Act 142, Session Laws 2001 amendment provided that a paid bill for goods or services is presumed to be authentic and to embody fair and reasonable charges for the itemized goods or services.

Case Notes

Error to instruct jury that deceased presumed to have exercised due care, where there was evidence deceased was negligent. 6 H. App. 516, 730 P.2d 342.


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