L 2004, c 202, §82 provides:
"SECTION 82. Appeals pending in the supreme court as of the effective date of this Act [July 1, 2006] may be transferred to the intermediate appellate court or retained at the supreme court as the chief justice, in the chief justice's sole discretion, directs."
Case Notes
Contemplates that some cases may arise in which all five supreme court justices would recuse themselves. 880 F.2d 116.
"Cause" in phrase "connection with the said cause" means issue brought to supreme court, not entire case in lower court. 9 H. 356; 20 H. 553. Resignation of justice, though absolute in form, does not under all circumstances at once vacate office. 12 H. 332. Duty of justice to sit unless disqualified or unable to sit for reason specified. 17 H. 393. See 41 H. 270.
Vacancy, effect of under prior law. 38 H. 449.
Petition for rehearing must be acted upon by court as constituted when case was decided, if all members thereof are available. 45 H. 440, 369 P.2d 114. But change in court no bar to grant of rehearing. 50 H. 40, 429 P.2d 829.
When no disinterested substitutes can be designated, doctrine of necessity allows interested judges to participate in the case. 57 H. 348, 555 P.2d 1329.