Rules of Court
Appointment for infant or incompetent to sue or defend, when, see HRCP rule 17(c).
Case Notes
Power to appoint next friend or guardian ad litem is inherent in every court, including district courts. 11 H. 279, 281; 21 H. 160, 162; 23 H. 623, 624. Purpose of this section was to make it clear that this power, already existing, was not taken away by provisions for appointment of guardians of person and estate. 11 H. 279, 280; 21 H. 160, 162; see 16 H. 13, 15.
Appointment of guardian ad litem for minor not mandatory in adoption proceeding. 42 H. 250, 262. But is mandatory in custody or support proceeding if legitimacy at issue. See §571-47.
Under rule requiring sanction of court for issuance of process in suit instituted on behalf of minor, no formal order necessary. 8 H. 93; 11 H. 279, 281. Same as to guardian ad litem for minor defendants. 21 H. 160; 34 H. 232, 235; 35 H. 682, 683.
Adult incompetents.
Guardian ad litem, next friend, may be appointed for incompetent or weak-minded adult, but when alleged incapacity is denied issue raised must be determined before further steps can be taken in the suit. 23 H. 457, 475; 24 H. 82, 84; see 24 H. 558.
Duties and powers.
No power to surrender substantial rights. 28 H. 310, 328; 35 H. 262; 42 H. 586, 610; 46 H. 475, 521-30, 382 P.2d 920; 198 F. Supp. 78, 83. Duty to take appeal in proper case. 27 H. 132. As to election of remedies, see 32 H. 928.
Compensation, expenses, right to.
26 H. 623; 27 H. 132; 34 H. 854; 35 H. 262; 35 H. 682; 46 H. 475, 521-30, 382 P.2d 920; 47 H. 216, 385 P.2d 828.