Case Notes

Notice. 24 H. 97. Neither technical nor formal notice is required. 24 H. 731.

Sufficiency of knowledge of injury. 32 H. 503. Furnishing medical aid. Id.

Minors. 32 H. 928.

Time limitation runs from date of accident, not time of discovery of permanency of injury. 32 H. 920. Time limitation runs from date employee is disabled by injury from working; notice dispensed with. 34 H. 65. Time for giving of notice; there is compliance where claimant gives notice after claimant becomes aware or should have become aware that the injury may be compensable. 50 H. 519, 445 P.2d 34.

"Satisfactory reason" to excuse late notice. 55 H. 558, 523 P.2d 832.

Cited: 24 H. 97, 101.


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