Case Notes

Alien Japanese dependent upon leaving the United States loses all rights to benefits; "leaving the U. S." construed; an alien widow leaving the U.S. ceases to be a "dependent". 27 H. 431.

Nonresident alien. 32 H. 118. Alien "actually residing". 32 H. 699.

Illegitimate children. 31 H. 814.

Citizen of Philippine Republic. 39 H. 258.

Actual dependency of parents on child. 43 H. 173.

Part-time students, as defined by each individual educational institution, are not entitled to compensation under subsection (a) and §386-43(a). 84 H. 390 (App.), 935 P.2d 105.

Cited: 41 H. 442, 447.


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