L 2004, c 202, §82 provides:
"SECTION 82. Appeals pending in the supreme court as of the effective date of this Act [July 1, 2006] may be transferred to the intermediate appellate court or retained at the supreme court as the chief justice, in the chief justice's sole discretion, directs."
Cross References
Administrative procedure, see chapter 91.
Jurisdiction of courts, see §380-14.
Mailing of notice, see §1-28.
Oaths, subpoenas, see §§1-21, 603-21.9, 621-1, 621-12.
Rules of Court
Complaint in lieu of petition, see HRCP rules 3, 81(i).
Depositions, see HRCP, pt V.
Oaths, subpoenas, see HRCP rules 43(d), 45.
Case Notes
Circuit court proceeding for enforcement of H.E.R.B. order cannot be removed to federal court. 253 F. Supp. 597.