Law Journals and Reviews

Marijuana Prohibition in Hawaii, Steven K. Christensen, 13 HBJ No. 3 Fall 1977, pg. 9.

Case Notes

In prosecution under §329-43.5(b), trial court should provide jury with an instruction enumerating all fourteen factors listed in statutory definition of drug paraphernalia. 75 H. 80, 856 P.2d 1246.

No error in court failing to dismiss count against defendant for possessing "everyday household items not intended or designed for use as drug paraphernalia" as broad definition of drug paraphernalia and multiple examples of such contraband enumerated in this section weighed against defendant's contention that the ordinary nature of the containers defendant possessed did not involve the harm or evil sought to be avoided under §329-43.5 or amounted to extenuations that would not have been envisioned by the legislature. 98 H. 196, 46 P.3d 498.


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