Cross References

Driving upon bikeway, see §291C-123.

Driving upon sidewalk, see §291C-148.

Attorney General Opinions

State not required to share cost of maintaining public highways. Att. Gen. Op. 86-15.

County highways on Hawaiian Home Lands required to be maintained by counties but title not transferred. Att. Gen. Op. 86-15.

Case Notes

While the fact that the privately owned road was platted on a subdivision map, that this section authorized counties to repair and maintain private streets, and §46-16 authorized counties to regulate traffic on private streets, and each of these factors was significant in determining which party or parties had control of the private roadway, appellate court erred in concluding as a matter of law that defendant property owners did not control roadway and thus had no duty to maintain, repair, or warn of a dangerous condition; the issue of control of the roadway was a question of fact for the jury. 103 H. 385, 83 P.3d 100.


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