
L 2001, c 64, §7 provides:

"SECTION 7. Transition period. Commencing with the July 2001, installment of the remaining quarterly or monthly installments of the tax upon gross income which has been levied and assessed for the calendar year 2001 under section 239-5(a), Hawaii Revised Statutes, that portion of each such installment that is described in section 3 [amending §239-5(a)] of this Act as the tax in excess of the rate of four per cent that is paid to a county if the county provides for a real property tax exemption for real property used by a public utility in its public utility business, shall be paid to the respective county director of finance as provided in section 3 [amending §239-5(a)] of this Act. Provided that for the period July 2001 to December 2001, if a public utility is not required to pay to a particular county director of finance tax in excess of the rate of four per cent, as provided in section 3 [amending §239-5(a)] of this Act, the public utility shall not be liable to the State or respective county for such portion of the installments of the tax imposed in excess of the rate of four per cent under section 239-5(a), Hawaii Revised Statutes, for the period July 2001 to December 2001."

Case Notes

"Net income" defined. 34 H. 269, aff'd 105 F.2d 286; 34 H. 324.

The portion of tariff rates reflecting value of equipment owned by taxpayer's customer is not income earned by taxpayer. 57 H. 477, 559 P.2d 283.


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