Part I. Animal Diseases and Quarantine


142-1 Information and statistics

142-2 Rules

142-3 Department, duties

142-4 Entry of animals without inspection prohibited

142-4.5 Health certificate

142-5 Landing of animals

142-5.5 Guide, signal, or service dogs

142-6 Quarantine

142-7 Breeding in quarantine prohibited

142-8 Notification of arrival

142-9 Quarantine between islands

142-10 Importing prohibited, when

142-11 Forfeiture of animals, etc.

142-12 Penalties

142-13 Reporting disease; penalty

142-14 Sale of diseased animals; penalty

142-15 Repealed

142-16 Dairy and breeding cattle; tuberculin tests

142-17 Branding of tuberculous cattle

142-18 Disposal of tuberculous animals

142-19 Indemnification for tuberculous animals

142-20 Premises from which tuberculous cattle removed to be


142-21 Cooperation with federal authorities

142-22 Anaplasmosis; indemnity for slaughtered cattle

142-23 Brucellosis testing; indemnity for slaughtered cattle

142-23.1 Hog cholera eradication; indemnity

142-23.5 Garbage feeding prohibited; penalty

142-24 to 27 Repealed

142-28 Repealed

142-28.5 Animal quarantine special fund

142-29 Enforcement; citation and summons

142-30 Form of citation and summons

142-31 Administration of oath

Part II. Brands

142-41 Brands to be recorded, etc.

142-42 Expiration of registration, reregistration

142-43 Right to a brand determined by department

142-44 Owners of unbranded animals

142-45 Using other's brand prohibited; penalty

142-46 Using unregistered brand prohibited; penalty

142-47 Obliterating brand; penalty

142-48 Felonious branding; penalty

142-49 Livestock ownership and movement certification

Part III. Fences and Trespasses by Animals

142-61 Lawful fence; penalty

142-62 Breaking, etc., of fence; penalty

142-63 Trespass on fenced cultivated land

142-64 On unfenced cultivated land

142-65 On uncultivated land

142-66 On public roads, lands

142-67 Repealed

142-68 Fine for continued trespassing by animals

142-69 Stallions

142-70 Expenses, driving, etc.

142-71 Procedure to recover animals; owner notified before


142-72 Procedure, if owner believes impounding illegal

142-73 Jurisdiction; appeal

142-74 Liability of dog owner; penalty

142-75 Human bitten by dog; duty of dog owners; action against


Part IV. Miscellaneous Provisions

142-91 Destruction of animals ferae naturae

142-92 Mongoose; keeping or breeding; penalty

142-93 Harboring mongoose; penalty

142-93.5 Mongoose; killing allowed

142-94 Destruction of unconfined rabbits and Belgian hares

142-95 Rabbits, Belgian hares, to be kept off ground; penalty

142-96 Frightening animals; penalty

142-97 Wild cattle through street; penalty

142-98 Fees

142-99 Lost or rescued animals; penalty

Part V. Pigeons

142-101 Definitions

142-102 Pigeon permits

142-103 Exercise, training, and racing

Part VI. Aviary Game Birds

142-111 Definitions

142-112 Aviary game bird permits

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