
Definition of "state resident" for purposes of federal construction employment preferences. L 2000, c 286, §§1, 2.

Case Notes

Bidder's submission of two bids in a sealed competitive bidding process that permitted submission of only one bid was a material deviation from the bid solicitation special conditions and nonresponsive; bid thus properly rejected. 89 H. 443, 974 P.2d 1033.

Where contractor was required to use a licensed plumbing subcontractor for the project and it was undisputed that contractor did not name in its bid a person or firm to be engaged by it as a plumbing subcontractor for the project, contractor's bid was nonresponsive. 101 H. 68 (App.), 62 P.3d 631.

Where the record amply indicated that contractor had the capability "in all respects to perform fully the contract requirements, and the integrity and reliability which will assure good faith performance", it was therefore a "responsible bidder" within the meaning of §103D-302(h) and this section. 101 H. 68 (App.), 62 P.3d 631.


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