Revision Note

"July 1, 2002" substituted for "the effective date of this Act".

Cross References

Sheriff, etc., see §26-14.6.

Attorney General Opinions

"Referees", in par. (8), does not include the referee under the employment security law, who must be appointed pursuant to the civil service law. Att. Gen. Op. 61-59.

Appointment status of private secretaries not affected by reorganization act, chapter 26. Att. Gen. Op. 62-31.

Provisions of civil service laws construed in light of Konno v. County of Hawaii decision for purposes of privatization. Att. Gen. Op. 97-6.

Case Notes

Rights existing by virtue of civil service status may be lost by repeal or amendment of the civil service law. 48 H. 370, 405 P.2d 772.


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