Attorney General Opinions

Revenue bonds for University of Hawaii building program; revenue bonds for proposed state capitol. Att. Gen. Op. 65-4.

Unaccrued rent (where State is lessee) does not create funded debt within meaning of Article. Att. Gen. Op. 65-4.

Revenue bonds for state ferry system. Att. Gen. Op. 65-19.

The effective date of the legislative Act authorizing the excess debt constitutes the "time of authorization". Att. Gen. Op. 67-14.

The tax assessment rolls in effect at the time of authorization of excess debt are the rolls that must be used. Att. Gen. Op. 67-14.

Par. 4: Legislature may determine form and content of bonds issued under this paragraph. Att. Gen. Op. 72-11.

The two-thirds vote requirement for issuance of bonds applies to final reading of measure. Att. Gen. Op. 73-3.

Where appropriations for operating costs and authorization for bond issues are contained in a single bill, the invalidity of one portion will not void the other, the matters being severable. Att. Gen. Op. 73-3.

Item (e): Reimbursements to general fund need not be restricted to reimbursements from the revenues and user taxes for the "immediately preceding fiscal year." Att. Gen. Op. 74-9.

Case Notes

Certain highway and aviation revenue bonds held not revenue bonds within meaning of Article. 44 H. 154, 352 P.2d 861.

Funded debt, what constitutes; "total of state indebtedness," how computed. 44 H. 154, 352 P.2d 861.

Conditions for exclusion of revenue bonds discussed; antipollution revenue bonds under §§39-130 and 131 do not satisfy exclusion requirements. 56 H. 566, 545 P.2d 1175.

Revenue bonds authorized by 1993 Hawai`i state legislature pursuant to Act 7, §24 [L Sp 1993] for proposed convention center development and construction qualified for exclusion from debt limit mandated by this section; reimbursable general obligation bonds authorized by the legislature pursuant to Act 7, §23 for proposed convention center development and construction did not qualify for exclusion under paragraph (6). 78 H. 157, 890 P.2d 1197.

Financing agreements entered into in accordance with chapter 37D are not bonds as that term is used in article VII, §12 of Hawaii constitution and thus do not count toward the debt ceiling of this section. 85 H. 1, 936 P.2d 637.


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