Attorney General Opinions
The commission may be empowered to impose conditions on reclassifications and to impose sanctions for violation of the conditions, and the conditions may be made to run with the land. Att. Gen. Op. 72-8.
Proposal to subdivide agricultural land into agriculturally unfeasible small lots would violate intent of chapter. Att. Gen. Op. 75-8.
Case Notes
Proceeding for amendment to boundaries challenged by adjoining landowner is a contested case within meaning of §91-1(5). 55 H. 538, 524 P.2d 84.
Provision that commission shall render decision within forty-five and ninety days after the public hearing is mandatory and decision rendered after the time period is void. 55 H. 538, 524 P.2d 84.
The adoption or amendment of boundaries is not a rule-making process within meaning of §91-1(4). 55 H. 538, 524 P.2d 84.
Person entitled under prior law to petition for change in boundary. 57 H. 84, 549 P.2d 737.
Where landlord seeks to evict tenants who exercise their rights to appear and testify at a public hearing, defense of retaliatory eviction is available. 59 H. 104, 577 P.2d 326.
Commission rules re intervention and "final order" for purposes of appeal, construed. 63 H. 529, 631 P.2d 588.
Proposal for recreational theme park on agricultural land was more properly the subject of a boundary amendment under this section, rather than a special permit. 64 H. 265, 639 P.2d 1079.