Chapter 88, Parts I and II--Table of Disposition

The arrangement of Parts I and II of this chapter was extensively affected by L 1969, c 110. The following table shows the original sections (1968) and the corresponding present sections.

Original § Present §

88-1 to 6 88-1 to 6

88-11 to 15 88-11 to 15

88-16 88-16, 17

88-21 88-21, 88-81

88-22 to 31 88-22 to 31

88-32 88-33

88-41 to 52 88-41 to 52

88-53 88-81

88-54 to 59 88-54 to 59

88-61 to 70 88-71 to 80

88-71, 72 88-O

88-73 88-32, 88-82

88-74, 75 88-83

88-76 O

88-77 to 79 88-84 to 86

88-80 88-89

88-81 to 87 88-90 to 96

88-91 to 105 88-101 to 115

88-106 88-117

88-107 88-116

88-108 to 118 88-118 to 127

88-121 to 132 88-131 to 142


Workforce restructuring: voluntary severance benefits or special retirement incentive benefit (repealed June 30, 2008). L 2000, c 253, §§115 to 124; L 2002, c 131, §2.

Attorney General Opinions

Death benefits upon an employee's demise do not accrue to hanai children. Att. Gen. Op. 93-1.

Case Notes

Court lacked subject matter jurisdiction over class action suit against system for alleged violations of chapter. 73 H. 9, 828 P.2d 260.

Plaintiff's claim that plaintiff had earned full-time membership credit in employees' retirement system as a result of plaintiff's service as a per diem district court judge, was at odds with specific mandates of this chapter, and to sustain it would lead to an unjust and unreasonable result. 75 H. 42, 856 P.2d 1227.


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