As to procedural statutes superseded by the rules of court, see note preceding Title 32.
Conclusive presumptions relating to duty of public entities to warn of dangers:
At public beach parks (repealed June 30, 2007). L 1996, c 190, §2; L 1999, c 101; L 2002, c 170, §2.
On improved public lands; recommendations and reports (repealed June 30, 2008). L 2003, c 82.
Exception to liability for county lifeguard services (repealed June 30, 2007). L 2002, c 170, §5.
Cross References
Emergency use of private real property, see chapter 135.
Law Journals and Reviews
Products Liability in Hawaii. 14 HBJ 127.
The Negligent Infliction of Mental Distress II, or "How Far Is Too Far?". 14 HBJ 151.
The Scope of Liability for Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress: Making "the Punishment Fit the Crime". 1 UH L. Rev. 1.
Torts and Workers' Compensation. 2 UH L. Rev. 209.
Tort and Insurance "Reform" in a Common Law Court. 14 UH L. Rev. 55.
Beyond Compensation: Dealing with Accidents in the 21st Century. (International Workshop). 15 UH L. Rev. 523.
AIDS Phobia: The Infliction of Emotional Distress and the Fear of AIDS. 16 UH L. Rev. 143.
United States v. Burke and Internal Revenue Code Section 104(a)(2): When Will Personal Injury Damages Be Taxed? 16 UH L. Rev. 263.
Recreational Activity Liability in Hawai`i: Are Waivers Worth the Paper on Which They Are Written? 21 UH L. Rev. 715.
Hawai`i's Response to Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation and the Protection of Citizens' Right to Petition the Government. 24 UH L. Rev. 411.
Child Pornography on the Internet: The Effect of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996 on Tort Recovery for Victims Against Internet Service Providers. 24 UH L. Rev. 763.
Case Notes
County fulfilled its duty of providing adequate warning of extremely dangerous shorebreak present at beach park on date of accident. 122 F. Supp. 2d 1140.