Rules of Court
Writ of certiorari, see HRAP rule 31(e).
Case Notes
Where appellate court's amended order denying reconsideration corrected only clerical errors and did not materially alter rights or obligations, entry of amended order did not extend time within which petitioner was required to file application for certiorari under subsection (c) and Hawaii rules of appellate procedure rule 40.1(a); petitioner's application for certiorari was thus untimely. 94 H. 297, 12 P.3d 1238.
Where summary disposition order of the intermediate court of appeals contained no grave errors of law or fact and was not obviously inconsistent with the appellate case law of this State, defendant's application for writ of certiorari dismissed as improvidently granted. 101 H. 127, 63 P.3d 1097.