Rules of Court
Physical and mental examinations, see HFCR rule 35.
Case Notes
As the department of human services was not legally obligated to pay aunt, an unlicensed foster-care provider, and the family court's "further orders" powers under subsection (d) did not extend to an order that, in effect, created a legal obligation to subsidize an illegal foster care boarding home, the family court exceeded its statutory authority in ordering the department to make foster care board payments to aunt. 101 H. 220, 65 P.3d 167.
The family court's statutory authority to enter "further orders" pursuant to subsection (d) extends to an order that has the collateral effect of requiring the department of human services to exercise its discretion under Hawaii administrative rules §17-890-33(b)(4), in a particular way. 101 H. 220, 65 P.3d 167.