Case Notes
In the context of Child Protective Act proceedings involving parents neither resident nor domiciled in Hawaii, personal jurisdiction may not be exercised over a parent pursuant to this section to terminate their parental rights unless due process requirements are satisfied. 83 H. 367, 926 P.2d 1290.
As claim that health department was legally obligated to pay for child's services at private residential treatment center arose under the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and child did not pursue the remedies available under the federal act to establish health department's obligation to pay for the services, family court lacked jurisdiction to order the department to pay for the services. 96 H. 272, 30 P.3d 878.
The harm to the children and threatened harm to them within the State, along with father's related in-state conduct, were sufficient to support subject matter jurisdiction and the resulting order granting foster custody to the State. 99 H. 522, 57 P.3d 447.