Part I. Requisites, Procedures
572-1 Requisites of valid marriage contract
572-1.5 Definition of marriage
572-1.6 Private solemnization not unlawful
572-2 Consent of parent or guardian
572-3 Contracted without the State
572-4 Right of domicile, sex or marital status
572-5 Marriage license; agent to grant; fee
572-6 Application; license; limitations
572-7 Repealed
572-8 Repealed
572-9 Persons under age
572-10 Applicant apparently under age
572-11 Marriage ceremony; license to solemnize
572-12 By whom solemnized
572-13 Record of solemnization; marriages, reported
by whom; certified copies
572-13.5 Revocation or suspension of licenses to solemnize
572-14 Repealed
572-15 Delivery of records to department of health; penalty
572-16 Rules and regulations
Part II. Property Contracts, Debts, and Liabilities
572-21 Presumption of separate property
572-22 Contracts
572-23 Not liable for spousal debts
572-24 Spousal liabilities
572-25 Separate property
572-26 May be personal representative, guardian,
trustee, or other fiduciary
572-27 Persons as sureties
572-28 Suits by and against
572-29 Marriage settlement not invalidated