Case Notes

Cited in holding that an agreement could operate as a contract between the parties and give rise to enforceable rights, although it could not affect the title situation because not noted on certificate. 324 F. Supp. 768.

Cited in holding that land was not subject to a trust in favor of a partnership when the trust was not noted on the certificate of title. 324 F. Supp. 768.

Bill of sale affecting registered land must be registered to take effect as a conveyance. 58 H. 580, 574 P.2d 524.

Unregistered instrument regarded only as a contract between the parties. 60 H. 40, 587 P.2d 294.

See 33 H. 343; 39 H. 278; 44 H. 235, 246, 353 P.2d 1007; 50 H. 189, 436 P.2d 207.


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