HRS 0490-0007-0202 ANNOTATIONS


Prior Uniform Statutory Provision: Section 2, Uniform Warehouse Receipts Act.

Changes: Exemption for field warehouse receipts added in subsection (2)(e).


To make clear that the formal requirements of the Uniform Warehouse Receipts Act are continued but not to displace particular legislation requiring other or different specifications of form, see Sections 7-103 and 10-103. This section does not require that a receipt be issued but states formal requirements for those which are issued.

Cross References:

Sections 7-103 and 10-103.

Definitional Cross References:

"Bearer". Section 1-201.

"Delivery". Section 1-201.

"Goods". Section 7-102.

"Person". Section 1-201.

"Security interest". Section 1-201.

"Term". Section 1-201.

"Warehouse receipt". Section 1-201.

"Warehouseman". Section 7-102.

"Written". Section 1-201.


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