Part I. Coastal Zone Management


205A-1 Definitions

205A-2 Coastal zone management program; objectives and


205A-3 Lead agency

205A-3.5 Public advisory body; establishment; composition

205A-4 Implementation of objectives, policies, and guidelines

205A-5 Compliance

205A-6 Cause of action

Part II. Special Management Areas

205A-21 Findings and purposes

205A-22 Definitions

205A-23 County special management area boundaries

205A-24, 25 Repealed

205A-26 Special management area guidelines

205A-27 Designation of special management area authority

205A-28 Permit required for development

205A-29 Special management area use permit procedure

205A-30 Emergency and minor permits

205A-31 Repealed

205A-32 Penalties

205A-33 Injunctions

Part III. Shoreline Setbacks

205A-41 Definitions

205A-42 Determination of the shoreline

205A-43 Establishment of shoreline setbacks and duties and

powers of the department

205A-43.5 Powers and duties of the authority

205A-43.6 Enforcement of shoreline setbacks

205A-44 Prohibitions

205A-45 Shoreline setback lines established by county

205A-46 Variances

205A-47 Repealed

205A-48 Conflict of other laws

205A-49 Adoption of rules

Part IV. Marine and Coastal Affairs

205A-61 Definitions

205A-62 Duties and responsibilities of the lead agency

205A-63 Agency duties to coordinate related programs

205A-64 Public participation

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