128-1 Policy and purposes
128-2 Definitions
128-3 Civil defense agency
128-4 Civil defense advisory council
128-5 Powers on whom conferred; delegation of powers
128-6 Civil defense powers, in general
128-7 Civil defense emergency period
128-8 Additional powers in a civil defense emergency period
128-9 Emergency functions
128-10 Other powers
128-11 Allotments, etc.
128-12 Local organizations for civil defense
128-13 Power and authority of local organizations
128-14 Mobile support units
128-15 Status of regular government employees
128-16 Status of personnel other than regular officers and
128-17 Rights under chapter 386
128-18 Immunities; rights
128-19 Immunity from liability of private shelter
128-20 Political activity prohibited
128-21 Civil defense personnel's oath
128-22 Notice of requisition
128-23 Determination of compensation
128-24 Determination of damages
128-25 Investigations and surveys
128-26 Proclamations, how made; service of papers
128-27 Rules, regulations, and orders
128-28 Forfeitures
128-29 Preliminary or interlocutory injunctions and temporary
restraining orders
128-30 Enforcement of injunction proceedings; interventions
128-31 Civil defense personnel; law enforcement powers, when
128-32 Misdemeanors
128-33 Penalties prescribed by this chapter additional to
other penalties
128-34 Effect of this chapter on other laws