Case Notes

Section only applies to relief in eminent domain proceedings and does not authorize a collateral suit for damages or an independent suit for injunction and declaratory relief. 49 H. 365, 418 P.2d 482. Section does not apply when there is an abandonment of the original public use. Id.

Partial abandonment. 42 H. 415, 627. Abandonment by amendment. 44 H. 557, 356 P.2d 386. Abandonment may be any time before final judgment. 42 H. 415.

"Final judgment" means judgment entered after an appeal. 50 H. 237, 437 P.2d 321.

Manifests legislative intent to preclude recovery of attorney's fees and litigation costs where the property is condemned. 53 H. 582, 499 P.2d 663.

Cited: 39 H. 67; 44 H. 10, 13, 352 P.2d 320.


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