Part I. General Provisions
A. Miscellaneous
88-1 Restrictions
88-2 Minimum pension
88-3 Payment on death of pensioner
88-4 Medical aid, etc., when free
88-5 List of pensioners, who shall provide
88-6 Payment of retirement benefits
88-7 County pensioners; post retirement allowance
88-8 University of Hawaii optional retirement system
B. Pensioners Bonus
88-11 Bonus; pensioners' special compensation; amounts
88-12 Bonus; requirements, limitations
88-13 Bonus; retirants not eligible for
88-14 Bonus; authority to pay
88-15 Bonus; waiver by veteran
88-16 Bonus; appropriation
88-17 Bonus payment; limitation
Part II. Retirement for Public Officers and Employees
A. Definitions; Board of Trustees
88-21 Definitions
88-22 System established; name
88-23 General administration of system vested in board
88-24 Composition of board
88-25 Vacancy
88-26 Expenses of trustees
88-27 Oath of trustees
88-28 Voting; rules
88-29 Officers, employees, legal adviser
88-30 Actuary
88-31 Medical board
88-32 Repealed
88-33 Prohibited interest of trustees and employees of board
B. Membership; Service
88-41 Limitation of other statutes
88-42 Membership generally
88-42.5 Membership of employees holding more than one
position, appointment, or office
88-43 Persons ineligible for membership; optional membership
88-44 Enrollment
88-45 Employee contributions
88-46 Deducting employee contributions from salary and
employer pick up of employee contributions
88-46.5 Withdrawal of contributions and transfer to the
noncontributory plan
88-47 Membership
88-48 Deduction in class A member's account
88-49 Employees paid partly from federal funds
88-49.3 Employees paid from certain federal funds
88-49.5 Certain employees subject to federal retirement
system; election
88-49.7 East-West center employees
88-50 Computation of year of service
88-50.5 Credit for mandatory maternity leave
88-51 Membership service generally
88-51.5 Repealed
88-52 Service while a member of the legislature
88-53 (Reserved)
88-54 Service while legislative employee
88-54.5 Service while a member of the board of trustees of the
office of Hawaiian affairs
88-55 Services of field civilian personnel of the Hawaii
national guard
88-56 Repealed
88-57 Prior service generally
88-58 Prior service credit while per diem employee
88-59 Acquisition of membership service
88-59.5 Prior service credit
88-59.6 Previous membership service credit for judges
88-60 Members whose services are on loan to other
88-61 Termination of membership
88-62 Return to service of a former member
88-63 Credit for unused sick leave
C. Benefits
88-70 Third application for retirement; withdrawal
prohibited and retirement mandatory
88-71 Credited service at retirement
88-72 Refund of additional contributions
88-73 Service retirement
88-74 Allowance on service retirement
88-74.5 Finalizing of pensions
88-74.6 Unreduced allowance on service retirement; when
88-75 Ordinary disability retirement
88-76 Allowance on ordinary disability retirement
88-77, 78 Repealed
88-79 Service-connected disability retirement
88-80 Allowance on retirement for service-connected
88-81 Average final compensation
88-82 Appeal of decision of medical board; attorney's fees
and costs reimbursable
88-83 Election of mode of retirement allowance
88-83.5 Benefit limitations
88-84 Ordinary death benefit
88-85 Accidental death benefit
88-85.5 Accidental death claims
88-86 Repealed
88-87 Adjustment for deficiency in accumulated contributions
88-88 Adjustment of retirement allowances of retirants
88-89 Minimum amount
88-90 Post retirement allowances
88-91 Exemption from taxation and execution
88-92 Garnishment in certain cases; procedure
88-93 Named beneficiaries by active members; effect of
marriage, entry into reciprocal beneficiary
relationship, divorce, termination of reciprocal
beneficiary relationship, or death
88-94 Withholding of income taxes
88-95 Withholding of dues and insurance premiums
88-96 Rights of members separated from service
88-97 Return to service of a member who has vested benefit
88-98 Return to service of a retirant
D. Administration; Financing
88-101 Payment of existing pensions
88-102 Classification of members
88-103 Records
88-103.5 Disclosure of information
88-104 Actuarial data
88-105 Actuarial investigations, valuations
88-106 Correction of errors
88-107 Interest
88-108 Cash for meeting disbursements
88-109 Funds of the system
88-110 Board; trustees of funds
88-111 Custodian of the funds
88-112 Annuity savings fund; annual statement
88-113 Payments from annuity savings fund
88-114 Pension accumulation fund
88-115 Repealed
88-115.5 Repealed
88-116 Expense fund
88-117, 118 Repealed
88-119 Investments
88-119.5 Investment guidelines
88-120 Service charges
88-121 Power to make agreements to protect securities on
reorganization or otherwise
88-121.5 Power to enter into security loan agreements
88-122 Determination of employer normal cost and accrued
liability contributions
88-123 Amount of annual contributions by the State and
88-124 State appropriations for system
88-125 Contributions by certain state agencies
88-126 Certification and payment of county contributions to
88-127 Guaranty
E. Special Benefits for Members in Military Service
88-131 Definitions
88-132 Service credit; payment of contributions
88-132.5 Credit for military service
88-133 Benefits and conditions applicable to service member
88-134 Service retirement benefit
88-135 Ordinary disability retirement benefit
88-136 Accidental disability benefit
88-137 Ordinary death benefit
88-138 Accidental death benefit
88-139 Return of contributions
88-140 Duration of service member's status
88-141 Computation of compensation earned or earnable
88-142 Right of amendment or repeal reserved; retroactive
Part III. Police Officers, Firefighters, and
Bandsmen Pension System
88-151 Application
88-152 Certain other employees included
88-153 Police officers, firefighters, and bandsmen pension
system; trustees, powers
88-154 Officers of the board; duties
88-155 Medical board
88-156 Appropriations and expenditure
88-157 Use of donations, contributions, gifts, or bequests
88-158 Disability retirement benefits
88-159 Reexamination of disability beneficiary; hearing
88-160 Service retirement benefits
88-161 Dismissal after twenty years' service; pensions
88-162 Dismissal after ten years' service; pension
88-163 Death benefits: funeral expenses; payments to
88-164 Benefits in lieu of other payments
88-165 Adjustments of pensions
88-166 Computation; service as police officer, firefighter,
or bandsman
88-167 Computation; prior credits
88-168 Orders, discipline, medical examination, etc.
88-169 Payments of pensions; inalienable
88-170 Forfeiture of pension
88-171 Public hearings; notice
Part IV. Municipal and County Pension Systems
88-181 Pension boards created
88-182 Members: appointment, terms, removals
88-183 Qualifications
88-184 Expenses; appropriations
88-185 Assistants; county clerk, attorney, and treasurer
88-186 Meetings
88-187 Payment, conditions
88-188 Additional conditions
88-189 Widow's, widower's, and reciprocal beneficiary's
88-190 Amount
88-191 Computation of service
88-192 Examination by physician
88-193 Compliance with law required
Part V. Other County Pensions
88-201 Pensions eligible
88-202 Restrictions as to personnel
88-203 Limitation of amount
88-204 County appropriations directed
Part VI. Federal Social Security for Public Employees
88-211 Definitions
88-212 Federal-state agreement
88-213 Division of retirement systems
88-214 Modifications to agreement
88-215 Contributions by state employees
88-216 Collection of contributions
88-217 Adjustments
88-218 Plans for coverage of employees of political
88-219 Referendum
88-220 Refusal or termination of plans
88-221 Payments by political subdivisions
88-222 Contributions by employees of political subdivisions
88-223 Delinquent payments
88-224 Contribution fund; established
88-225 Purpose of contribution fund
88-226 Payments to federal government
88-227 Custodian of fund
88-228 Appropriations to contribution fund
88-229 Rules and regulations
88-230 Studies and reports
Part VII. Retirement for Class C Public Officers and
A. Applicability of Part II
88-251 Applicability
B. Definitions
88-261 Definitions
C. Membership, Credited Service
88-271 Election
88-272 Credited service
88-273 Break in service; reemployment
D. Eligibility; Benefits
88-281 Service retirement
88-282 Service retirement allowance
88-283 Retirement allowance options
88-284 Ordinary disability retirement
88-285 Service connected disability retirement
88-286 Death benefit