Case Notes
Revised laws, when enacted, have same validity as any new enactment though from standpoint of interpretation they are construed as continuations of previously existing laws. 283 F.2d 86.
Revised laws may be enacted by a separate short act, and such enactment gives force of law to provisions that may constitutionally be enacted in form contained therein, even if derived from an unconstitutional statute. 17 H. 566; 25 H. 638, 640.
Statutes carried into a revision retained their original effect unless legislative intent to make a change is clear. 23 H. 91, 95; 28 H. 744, 751; 29 H. 820, 824. This is particularly true where statute has been construed before its incorporation into the revision. 23 H. 91, 95. See also 24 H. 258, 262.
Section of revised laws construed by reference to original act though portions of the section as originally enacted omitted from revised laws. 33 H. 915, 916.