§212. Lands returned to control of board of land and natural resources. The department may return any Hawaiian home lands not leased as authorized by the provisions of section 207 of this Act to the control of the board of land and natural resources. Any Hawaiian home lands so returned shall, until the department gives notice as hereinafter in this section provided, resume and maintain the status of public lands in accordance with the provisions of the [Hawaii Revised Statutes]; provided that such lands may not be sold, leased, set aside, used, transferred or otherwise disposed of except under a general lease only. Any lease by the board of land and natural resources hereafter entered into shall contain a withdrawal clause, and the lands so leased shall be withdrawn by the board, for the purpose of this Act, upon the department giving at its option, not less than one nor more than five years' notice of such withdrawal; provided, that the minimum withdrawal-notice period shall be specifically stated in such lease. Each such lease, whether or not stipulated therein, shall be deemed subject to the right and duty of the board of land and natural resources to terminate the lease and return the lands to the department whenever the department gives notice to the board that the department is of the opinion that the lands are required.

Notwithstanding the provisions of section 171-95, Hawaii Revised Statutes, in the leasing of Hawaiian home lands by the board to a public utility or other governmental agency, where such use directly benefits the department of Hawaiian home lands or the homestead lessees, the rental may be nominal; in all other instances, the lease rental shall be no less than the value determined in accordance with section 171-17(b), Hawaii Revised Statutes.

Any general lease of Hawaiian home lands hereafter entered into by the board shall be void unless prior to the disposition of such lease by public auction, direct negotiation or otherwise, approval shall be obtained from the department of Hawaiian home lands. [Am L 1963, c 207, §§2, 5(b); am Const Con 1978 and election Nov. 7, 1978]

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