Cross References

Children's advocacy program, see chapter 588.

COMMENTARY ON §706-606.3

Act 316, Session Laws 1993, added this section to create an option for expedited sentencing of persons who have committed intra-family sexual assault. The legislature found that this section offers a new approach to removing obstacles that delay and hinder the successful prosecution of certain sex offenders, offers prosecutors an option to encourage offenders to plead guilty and accept treatment early in the proceedings, and offers hope that treatment and intensive monitoring will minimize the chance of further abuse. The intent is to accomplish an increase in criminal convictions, punishment, and deterrence, while providing better protection for potential victims, not only from sexual assault but from the trauma of being the primary witness against a family member. House Standing Committee Report No. 1174, Senate Standing Committee Report No. 849.

Act 157, Session Laws 1995, extended the sunset date of this section from June 30, 1995 to June 30, 2001. The legislature found that the expedited sentencing program served as "a viable alternative in a small number of select cases" and that the program should continue to be available within the criminal justice system. However, the legislature believed that there was insufficient basis to determine whether the program should be made permanent. Conference Committee Report No. 62.

Act 127, Session Laws 2001, repealed the sunset date for the expedited sentencing program of the family court. The purpose of the program was to allow for the expeditious removal of the offender from the family home, in cases of intra-family felony sexual assault or incest, thus allowing the child to remain in the home. The legislature found that the program applied only to those offenders found to be "safe to probate" and minimized the possibility of revictimizing the child by eliminating the need to testify and requiring treatment and supervision of all members of the child's family. The legislature further found that the program had been effective and beneficial to the families concerned. Senate Standing Committee Report No. 1453, Conference Committee Report No. 114.