Part I. Personal Actions
657-1 Six years
657-2 Mutual current account
657-3 Counterclaim
657-3.5 Relation back of amendments
657-4 Two years; libel and slander
657-5 Domestic judgments and decrees
657-5.5 Judgments for support
657-6 Four years; causes arising in foreign jurisdiction,
657-7 Damage to persons or property
657-7.3 Medical torts; limitation of actions; time
657-7.5 Third-party defendants, time in which plaintiff may
657-8 Limitation of action for damages based on construction
to improve real property
657-9 Action barred in foreign jurisdiction
657-10 Special limitations
657-11 Recoveries authorized by federal statute
657-12 Repealed
657-13 Infancy, Insanity, imprisonment
657-14 Disability to exist at accrual of action
657-15 Two or more disabilities
657-16, 17 Repealed
657-18 Extension by absence from State
657-19 Extension by injunction
657-20 Extension by fraudulent concealment
657-21 Extension by keeping defendant in ignorance
657-22 When process not commencement
657-23 Extension while criminal case is pending
657-24 Periodic payments of damages
Part II. Real Actions
657-31 Twenty years
657-31.5 Adverse possession
657-32 How computed
657-33 Action accrues when
657-34 Disabilities
657-35 Extension of time by death
657-36 Same
657-37 Repealed
657-38 Possession, interrupting statute