Case Notes

No constitutional right of minor mother was violated when during her absence from hearing she was represented by guardian ad litem. 52 H. 395, 477 P.2d 780.

In subsection (b)(1)(D): "Care and support" refers exclusively to financial support; involuntary termination may not occur absent finding of purpose to abdicate parental rights; one year period does not refer solely to the year immediately preceding petition's filing; not unconstitutionally vague. 64 H. 85, 637 P.2d 760.

"Foreseeable future" means three years from the filing date of the petition for termination of parental rights. 8 H. App. 66, 793 P.2d 669.

Record of child protective services case can be considered in a case brought under this section. 8 H. App. 161, 795 P.2d 294.

Father's right to custody was terminated and children were placed in the custody of foster parents. 8 H. App. 377, 805 P.2d 1215.

Nothing in subsection (a) or chapter 587 indicates that when the department of human services and the affected parents settle a termination proceeding, they may do so only by resorting to a subsection (a) proceeding. 90 H. 200 (App.), 978 P.2d 166.