Effective July 1, 2002, "chapter 658" in subsection (c) changed to "chapter 658A". L 2001, c 265, §4.
Case Notes
See also notes at end of this chapter.
Hawaii's public policy strongly favors arbitration when dispute centers on automobile insurance policy. 769 F. Supp. 1135.
The first party to choose a forum for resolution of no-fault dispute binds the other party to that forum unless the circuit court finds that the parties have entered into a mandatory and binding arbitration agreement. 86 H. 59, 947 P.2d 371.
Where plaintiff and defendant's insurer did not have a written agreement in compliance with §658-1, this section did not by itself provide independent authority to compel arbitration. 86 H. 59, 947 P.2d 371.
Claim for motor vehicle no-fault benefits made but unresolved before end of two-year period following last payment of no-fault benefits tolls §294-36(a)(2) statute of limitations (predecessor to §431:10C-315) as it applies to §294-32 (predecessor to this section) demands for arbitration of disputed no-fault claims. 86 H. 357 (App.), 949 P.2d 197.