
L 2001, c 220, §§2 and 4 provide:

"SECTION 2. A licensee in the process of conforming to the rules of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, P.L. 104-191, shall be deemed in compliance with this Act for the period ending on July 1, 2002."

"SECTION 4. Upon approval of this Act [June 2, 2001], to provide sufficient time for licensees to establish policies and systems to comply with this Act, the commissioner may extend the time for compliance with this Act to July 1, 2002; provided that by July 1, 2001, a licensee shall provide an initial notice, as required by section [431:3A-201] of section 1 of this Act, to consumers who are the licensee’s customers on July 1, 2001. Until July 1, 2002, a contract that a licensee has entered into with a nonaffiliated third party to perform services for the licensee or functions on the licensee’s behalf shall be deemed to satisfy section [431:3A-401(a)(2)] of section 1 of this Act, even if the contract does not include a requirement that the third party maintain the confidentiality of nonpublic personal information, if the licensee entered into the agreement on or before July 1, 2000."