
Long-term care PACE demonstration project (expires June 30, 2002). L 1997, c 338.

Case Notes

Where plaintiffs challenged State's administration of its medicaid home and community based services for the developmentally disabled or mentally retarded program (HCBS-MR), defendants' motion for partial summary judgment granted to extent it covered (1) plaintiffs' claim that defendants violated "reasonable promptness" provision of the medicaid statute, 42 U.S.C. §1396a(a)(8), by denying plaintiffs HCBS-MR services, as to filled slots; and (2) plaintiffs' claims based on 42 U.S.C. §1396n(c)(2)(A) or (C) since plaintiffs were not entitled to HCBS-MR services under the medicaid statute once slots were filled by other eligible individuals. 114 F. Supp. 2d 1017.