
Chapter title amended by L 1987, c 339, §4.

Child protective and diversion services pilot project (expires June 30, 2002). L 1996, c 302; L 1999, c 116, §2(3).

Child protective services reform coordinating committee (expires June 30, 2002). L 1996, c 302; L 1999, c 116, §2(3).

Home and community-based case management agencies and community care foster family homes (repealed June 30, 2003). L 2001, c 273.

Long-term care PACE demonstration project (expires June 30, 2002). L 1997, c 338.

Cross References

Early education program, see §§296-81 to 83.

Early intervention services for infants and toddlers, see §§321-351 to 354.

Hawaii children's trust fund, see chapter 350B.

Literacy trust fund, see §312-9.

Medicaid-related mandates, see chapter 431L.

Primary health care incentive program, see §321-1.5.

Sex offender treatment program, see chapter 353E.

State health insurance program, see chapter 431N.