321 Department of Health
321D Interdepartmental Cluster for Services to Children
321E Dispersal Review Council--Repealed
321F Office of the Aloha Health Corps--Repealed
321G California-Hawaii Cooperative Commission--Repealed
322 Nuisances; Sanitary Regulations
323 Hospitals and Medical Facilities
323C Privacy of Health Care Information--Repealed
323D Health Planning and Resources Development and
Health Care Cost Control
323F Hawaii Health Systems Corporation
324 Medical Research; Morbidity and Mortality
325 Infectious and Communicable Diseases
326 Hansen's Disease
327 Medical and Research Use of Bodies
327C Death
327D Medical Treatment Decisions--Repealed
327E Uniform Health-Care Decisions Act (Modified)
327F Medical Treatment Decisions for Psychotic Disorders
328 Food, Drugs, and Cosmetics
328A Water, Furnishing Potable--Repealed
328C Donation of Pharmaceuticals and Health Care Supplies
328D Bottled Water
328E Intoxicating Compounds
328K Smoking
328L Hawaii Tobacco Settlement Moneys
329 Uniform Controlled Substances Act
329B Substance Abuse Testing
329C Imitation Controlled Substances Act
330 Poisons, Sale of
330C Hawaii Poison Prevention Packaging Act
331 Radium for Medical and Surgical Purposes--Repealed
332 Mattresses, Manufacture, Etc., and Sale of
333 Mental Retardation--Repealed
333E Developmental Disabilities
333F Services for Persons with Developmental
Disabilities or Mental Retardation
334 Mental Health, Mental Illness, Drug Addiction,
and Alcoholism
334B Utilization Review and Managed Care of Mental Health,
Alcohol, or Drug Abuse Treatment
334D Diversion Program for Chemically Dependent Nurses
334E Rights of Recipients of Mental Health Services
335 Interstate Compact on Mental Health
336 Deportation and Transfer of Alien and Nonresident
Public Charges
337 Uniform Act for the Extradition of Persons of Unsound
338 Vital Statistics
339 Litter Control
339K Northwest Interstate Compact on Low-Level Radioactive
Waste Management
340 Hawaii Waste Management--Repealed
340A Solid Waste
340B Wastewater Treatment Personnel
340E Safe Drinking Water
340F Hawaii Law for Mandatory Certification of Public
Water System Operators
341 Environmental Quality Control
342 Environmental Quality--Repealed
342B Air Pollution Control
342C Ozone Layer Protection
342D Water Pollution
342E Nonpoint Source Pollution Management and Control
342F Noise Pollution
342G Integrated Solid Waste Management
342H Solid Waste Pollution
342I Special Wastes Recycling
342J Hazardous Waste
342L Underground Storage Tanks
342N Used Oil Transport, Recycling, and Disposal--Repealed
342P Asbestos and Lead
343 Environmental Impact Statements
343D Hawaii Environmental Disclosure Law--Repealed
344 State Environmental Policy
Cross References
Dietitians, see chapter 448B.
Part I. General and Administrative Provisions
321-1 General powers and duties of the department
321-1.1 Development of environmental goals and
321-1.3 Domestic violence prevention special fund
321-1.4 Hospital and medical facilities special fund;
deposits; expenditures
321-1.5 Primary health care incentive program; establishment
321-1.6 Additional duties of the director
321-2 General office
321-3 Repealed
321-4 Agents and inspectors
321-4.5 Inspection of food establishments
321-4.6 Advisory council on food protection practices; created
321-5 Contract for exchange of Hawaii personnel
321-6 Repealed
321-7 Disbursement of moneys
321-8 Repealed
321-9 Seal, rules and regulations
321-10 Rules, adoption, effect
321-11 Subjects of health rules, generally
321-11.2 Adult foster homes
321-11.3 Repealed
321-11.5 Establishment of fees
321-11.51 Sanitation permits; transfer
321-11.6 Genetically modified organisms
321-12 Barbers, hairdressers, cosmeticians, cosmetologists,
and beauticians
321-12.5 Certified forensic examination fees
321-13 Regulation of certain other occupations
321-14 License to practice certain occupations
321-15 Biennial registration; fees, failure to register
321-15.1 Definitions
321-15.5 Repealed
321-15.6 Adult residential care homes; licensing
321-15.61 Adult residential care homes expanded admissions
321-15.62 Expanded adult residential care homes; licensing
321-15.63 Hospice services
321-15.7 Penalty
321-15.8 Repealed
321-15.9 Developmental disabilities domiciliary homes
321-16, 16.1 Repealed
321-17 Vessels to carry diseased persons; penalty
321-18 Penalty
321-19 Delegation to counties
321-20 Remedies
321-21 Infectious wastes; management and disposal
321-22 Long term care service development fund established
321-23 Renumbered
321-23.3 Volunteer emergency medical disaster response
321-23.6 Rapid identification documents
321-24 to 26 Repealed
321-27 Environmental health education fund
321-27.5 Audit of sanitation branch
321-28 Traumatic brain injury advisory board
Part II. Preventive Medicine
321-31 Functions of the department
321-32 Epidemiological specialists
Part IIA. Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention
321-36 Definitions
321-37 Child abuse and neglect secondary prevention programs
321-38 Hawaii children's trust fund advisory committee
Part III. Cancer Control
321-41 Educational program
321-42 Tumor clinics
321-43 Statistical activities
321-44 Repealed
321-45 Cancer examination
Part IV. Children with Special Health Needs
321-51 Department to administer chapter
321-52 Powers, duties, and activities of the department
321-52.5 Repealed
321-53 Funds
321-54 Application of part
Part V. Dental Health
321-61 Dental health
321-62 General duties of department
321-63 Director's specific duties and powers
Part VI. Industrial Hygiene
321-71 Industrial hygiene
321-72 Sources of ionizing radiation; federal-state
Part VII. Nutrition
321-81 Nutrition
321-82 Field nutritionist, rural Oahu
Part VIII. Home Health Services
321-91 Program of home health services
321-92 Fees for services
321-93 Home health services; source of funds; disposition
of receipts
Part IX. Systematic Hearing and Vision Program
321-101 Systematic hearing and vision program
Part IXA. Prevention of Blindness
321-106 Prevention of blindness at childbirth
Part X. Sexually Transmitted Diseases
321-111 Sexually transmitted disease prevention program
321-112 to 114 Repealed
321-115 Prophylactics
Part XI. Chronic Renal Disease--Repealed
321-121 to 123 Repealed
Part XII. Safety Glazing of Glass
321-131 to 137 Repealed
Part XIII. Emergency services
321-151 Repealed
Part XIV. Blood Alcohol
321-161 Chemical testing for alcohol concentration or drug
Part XV. Mental Health Services for Children and Youth
321-171 Children's mental health services; department
321-172 Children's mental health services branch
321-173 Community mental health services for children and
321-174 Coordination of services with department of education
321-175 Statewide children's mental health services plan
321-176 Biennial review of progress
321-177 Rules
Part XVI. Substance Abuse
321-191 Definitions
321-192 Substance abuse program
321-193 Duties and responsibilities of department
321-194 State advisory commission
321-195 Annual report to the legislature
321-196 Rules
321-197 Personnel
321-198 State funding of substance abuse agencies
Part XVII. Smoking in Public Places
321-201 to 206 Repealed
Part XVIII. State Comprehensive Emergency Medical
Services System
321-221 Findings and purpose
321-222 Definitions
321-223 State comprehensive emergency medical services system,
321-224 Department of health, functions, duties
321-225 The state emergency medical services advisory
321-226 Emergency medical services and systems, standards
321-227 Regulation of ambulances
321-228 Emergency medical services; counties
321-228.5 Renumbered
321-228.6 Renumbered
321-229 Emergency medical services personnel, training
321-229.5 Renumbered
321-230 Technical assistance, data collection, evaluation
321-231 Grants
321-232 Revenues; deposit into state general fund
321-233 Rules
Part XIX. School Health Services Program
321-241 Purpose; establishment of program
321-241.5 Teenage health program
321-242 Department of health; implementation
321-243 Repealed
321-244 Repealed
321-245 School health aides
321-246 Rules
Part XX. Agent Orange--Repealed
321-261 to 271 Repealed
Part XXI. Hemophilia
321-281 Financial assistance fund for hemophilia
321-282 General duties of the department
Part XXII. Newborn Metabolic Screening
321-291 Tests for phenylketonuria, hypothyroidism, and other
metabolic diseases
Part XXIII. Health Education
321-301 Bilingual health education aide program; establishment
Part XXIV. Environmentally-Related Illness and Injury
321-311 Environmentally-related illness and injury
321-311.5 Epidemiologic investigations
321-312 Definition of environmentally-related illness or
321-313 Definition of health care professional
321-314 Reports to the department
321-315 Confidentiality
321-316 Immunity from liability
321-317 Rules
Part XXV. Maternal and Child Health Program
321-321 Purpose
321-322 Administration of programs
321-323 Definitions
321-324 Powers of the department
321-325 Agreements
321-326 Rules
Part XXVI. Prenatal Health Care
321-331 Prenatal health care; authority
Part XXVII. Child Death Review
321-341 Multidisciplinary and multiagency reviews
321-342 Definitions
321-343 Access to information
321-344 Exception
321-345 Use of child death review information and records
321-346 Immunity from liability
Part XXVIII. Infants and Toddlers
321-351 Definitions
321-352 Early intervention services for infants and toddlers
with special needs
321-353 Hawaii early intervention coordinating council;
321-354 Rules
321-355 Early intervention special fund
321-356 Early intervention trust fund
321-357 Early intervention funds; purpose and use
Part XXIX. Statewide Newborn Hearing Screening Program
321-361 Definitions
321-362 Duties
321-362.5 Screening for hearing impairment
321-363 Rules
Part XXX. Tattoo Artists
321-371 Purpose
321-372 Definitions
321-373 Regulation of tattoo artists
321-374 License required; exemptions
321-375 Examination, fees required
321-376 Facial tattoos
321-377 Suspension or revocation of license
321-378 Denial of licensure; hearing
321-379 Discipline; complaints; grounds; proceedings; hearings
321-380 Penalties
321-381 Biennial renewal; failure to renew
321-382 Fees
321-383 License without necessity of examination
Part XXXI. Midwives--Repealed
321-391 to 398 Repealed
Part XXXII. Food Safety Consultative and Education
321-401 Findings and purpose
321-402 Food safety consultative and education program
321-403 Food safety control system
321-404 Public information monitoring system
321-405 Confidentiality of information
Part XXXIII. Indoor Air Quality
321-411 Definitions
321-412 Indoor air quality program
321-413 General functions, powers, and duties of the