
281 Intoxicating Liquor



Part I. General Provisions


281-1 Definitions

281-2 Excepted articles; penalty

281-3 Illegal manufacture, importation, or sale of liquor

281-4 Liquor consumption on unlicensed premises

prohibited, when

Part II. Liquor Commissions

281-11 County liquor commissions and liquor control

adjudication boards; qualifications; compensation

281-11.5 Liquor commission and board attorney

281-12 Commission and board office

281-13 Meetings

281-14 Records

281-15 Reports, accounts, audit

281-16 County liquor commission and liquor control

adjudication board funds; disposition of realization;

payment of expenses

281-17 Jurisdiction and powers

281-17.5 Fees; justified, method of change, limitation

281-18 Repealed

281-19 Hearings, attendance, examinations

281-20 General right of inspection

281-21 Service of subpoenas by investigators, police officers,

or other law enforcement officers; witnesses' fees

Part III. Licenses and Permits, General Provisions

281-31 Licenses, classes

281-32 Licenses, temporary

281-32.3 One-day special licenses for fundraising events

281-32.5 Permits for trade shows or other exhibitions

281-33 Special powers, privileges, and rights

281-33.1 Individual permits to receive shipments of liquor

281-33.5 Reciprocal shipments of wine

281-34 Sham operation under club license; supervision

281-35 Special conditions, club licenses

281-36 Repealed

281-37 Sales of alcohol

281-38 Conditions of licenses

281-39 Place of business; exception; solicitors' and

representatives' permits

281-39.5 Liquor license prohibited; where

281-40 Unlicensed liquor

281-41 Transfer of licenses; notice of change in officers,

directors, and stockholders of corporate licenses,

partners of a partnership license, and members of a

limited liability company license; penalty

281-42 Manufacturers and wholesale dealers, special


281-43 Repealed

281-44 Advertisements and signs upon licensed premises

281-45 No license issued, when

281-46 Pool buying

281-47 Standard bar; music and dancing available

Part IV. Procedure for Obtaining License

281-51 Prior inspection

281-52 Public hearing

281-53 Application; penalty for false statements

281-54 Filing fees with application

281-55 Reference to investigator

281-56 Report by investigator

281-57 Preliminary hearing; notice of public hearing

281-58 Protests

281-59 Hearing; rehearing

281-60 Further application

281-61 Renewals

281-62 Reduction or increase in area of licensed premises

Part V. Duties of and Supervision over Licensee

281-71 Posting of license

281-72 Condition of premises

281-73 Quality of liquor; penalty

281-74 Labels on containers

281-75 Analyses

281-76 Tampering with samples; penalty

281-77 Refusal of samples; penalty

281-78 Prohibitions

281-78.5 Practices to promote excessive consumption of liquor;


281-79 Entry for examination; obstructing liquor commission

operations; penalty

281-80 Arrest

281-81 Repealed

281-82 No action for debt

281-83 Repealed

281-84 Exclusion of intoxicated person from premises; penalty

281-85 Prize, gift, premium, and other inducement

Part VI. Revocation of License

281-91 Revocation or suspension of license; hearing

281-92 Appeals

281-93 Reports to prosecuting officers

281-94 Forfeiture of fee paid

281-95 Bankruptcy, insolvency, death

281-96 Cancellation

281-97 When sale without license authorized

Part VII. General Violations and Prosecutions

281-101 Manufacture or sale without license; penalty

281-101.4 Hearing, illegal manufacture, importation, or sale of


281-101.5 Prohibitions involving minors; penalty

281-102 Other offenses; penalty

281-102.5 Purchasing from other than primary source of supply;


281-103 Repealed

281-104 Investigators, employees, counsel for

281-105 Determination whether acts were in scope of duty

281-106 Prosecutions not to exclude other remedies affecting

license or goods

281-107 Presumptive evidence

281-108 Search warrants; seizure

281-109 Seizure without warrant

281-110 Arrest; abetters

281-111 Condemnation of property or liquor; disposition

281-112 Repealed

281-113 Claims

281-114 Appeals

Part VIII. Price Discrimination in Supplying Liquor

281-121 to 124 Repealed