The acquisition of the Waiahole water system shall not be construed to affect the powers and authority of the commission on water resource management or its powers to modify any water allocations. L 1998, c 111, §15.
Watershed protection master plan (repealed June 30, 2002). L 2000, c 152.
Cross References
Gray water recycling program, see §342D-70.
Irrigation and water utilization projects, see chapter 168.
Irrigation water development, see chapter 167.
Law Journals and Reviews
Testing the Current: The Water Code and the Regulation of Hawai`i's Water Resources. 10 UH L. Rev. 205.
Private Hopes and Public Values in the "Reasonable Beneficial Use" of Hawai`i's Water: Is Balance Possible? 18 UH L. Rev. 1.
Cultures In Conflict In Hawai`i: The Law and Politics of Native Hawaiian Water Rights. 18 UH L. Rev. 71.
Case Notes
Although the public trust doctrine and the state water code share similar core principles, the code does not supplant the protections of the public trust doctrine. 94 H. 97, 9 P.3d 409.