[§132D-21] Health care facilities; report of fireworks incidents. Health care facilities in this State shall report all incidents of serious injuries and fatalities caused by legal and illegal fireworks to the department of health and the police department of the county in which the person was attended or treated. All reports shall be in writing or in the manner specified by the department of health.

As used in this section, "health care facilities" includes any outpatient clinic, emergency room, or doctor's office, private or public, whether organized for profit or not, used, operated, or designed to provide medical diagnosis, treatment, nursing, rehabilitative, or preventive care to any person or persons. The term includes but is not limited to health care facilities that are commonly referred to as hospitals, extended care and rehabilitation centers, nursing homes, skilled nursing facilities, intermediate care facilities, hospices for the terminally ill that require licensure or certification by the department of health, kidney disease treatment centers including freestanding hemodialysis units, outpatient clinics, organized ambulatory health care facilities, emergency care facilities and centers, home health agencies, health maintenance organizations, and others providing similarly organized services regardless of nomenclature. [L 2000, c 117, §1]