Attorney General Opinions

Pursuant to this section and §304-11, board of regents may enter into a collective bargaining agreement providing for tuition exemption for faculty and staff members. Att. Gen. Op. 74-12.

Case Notes

Where dates upon which plaintiffs were paid were not a "cost item" as that term is defined in §89-2, plaintiffs' contention that timing of their paychecks as it stood on June 30, 1999 was continued another two years until July 1, 2001 by Act 100, L 1999 (which, inter alia, amended this section), lacked merit. Even if payroll lag was a cost item, the collective bargaining agreement expired on June 30, 1999; plaintiffs' rights under the collective bargaining agreement expired on that day. 125 F. Supp. 2d 1237.

Board was empowered to make declaratory judgment regarding validity of collective bargaining agreement. 60 H. 436, 591 P.2d 113.

Section does not bar arbitration of grievances over tenure and promotion. 66 H. 207, 659 P.2d 717.

Does not limit board's power to order union to implement staffing of essential positions. 66 H. 461, 667 P.2d 783.

Policy statement was not bargainable to the extent that it constituted compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act. Because the Act inherently mandated implementation, appellant need not wait until appellee attempted an implementation of an apparatus to effectuate the policy; because implementation would affect bargainable topics, appellant may initiate bargaining at any time upon such topics. 79 H. 154, 900 P.2d 161.

County did not violate collective bargaining statutes by refusing to bargain over effects of privatization where because privatization effort was contrary to law, it was outside scope of negotiable topics. 85 H. 61, 937 P.2d 397.

Hawaii Legal Reporter Citations

Mandatory subjects of negotiation--classification plans. 78-2 HLR 78-939.