Previous Hawaii law prohibited certain types of desecration. For example, desecration of the United States flag was prohibited.[1] Section 711-1107 deals more generally with all acts of desecration; i.e., acts of physical damage to or mistreatment of venerated places and objects under circumstances which the defendant knows are likely to outrage the sensibilities of persons who observe or discover the defendant's actions. Thus, any desecration of a public monument or structure; or a place of worship or burial (public or private); or, in a public place, the national flag, or any other object (such as certain religious objects) revered by a substantial segment of the public, will constitute an offense. Damage by desecration is treated separately from other types of property damage because the sense of outrage produced by such acts is out of proportion to the monetary value of the damage. Thus, desecration is a misdemeanor, although many such cases might otherwise be petty misdemeanors under §708-823 because the object desecrated is worth less than $50.
§711-1107 Commentary:
1. H.R.S. §733-6; another example is §734-3 which prohibits desecration of a grave.