COMMENTARY ON §§708-890 TO 893

Act 225, Session Laws 1992, repealed former §§708-890 to 896 and added this part to expand the degree of protection afforded to individuals and organizations from persons who tamper, interfere, damage, and gain unauthorized access to their computers, computer systems, software, and data. Finding that the growth in computer use has resulted in a similar growth in unauthorized access to computer systems, the legislature created two new offenses of "computer fraud" and "unauthorized computer use", both class C felonies. The legislature, however, recognized that other people, including harmless pranksters, students, or curious computer hackers, may gain unauthorized access to computer systems and do no damage to those systems. Although these people have committed a serious breach of privacy, they do not deserve to be charged with a class C felony; the legislature therefore created the affirmative defense of "entry without disruption", authorizing a court to dismiss a prosecution if, having regard for the nature of the alleged conduct and attendant circumstances, it finds that the defendant's conduct did not actually cause harm or damage to a computer system or network. The court must also file a written statement of its reasons for dismissal. Conference Committee Report No. 29.