Rules of Court

Applicability of Hawaii Rules of Civil Procedure, see HRCP 81(a)(5); see also RCC rule 34; Hawaii Arbitration Rules.

Law Journals and Reviews

Commercial Arbitration in Hawaii After Westin Hotel v. Universal Investment. I HBJ No. 13, at pg. 31.

Case Notes

Where provision of insurance policy was an agreement to submit any dispute regarding property value and amount of loss to appraisal panel at request of either party, and panel's decision was to be binding on both parties, the provision constituted an agreement to arbitrate as Hawaii case law developed; as an arbitration agreement pursuant to Hawaii state law, the provision fell squarely within scope of Federal Arbitration Act. 904 F. Supp. 1142.

Non-judicial modification of original arbitration award violated chapter. 73 H. 201, 830 P.2d 503.

To change award under this chapter, party must timely move to vacate under §658-9 or modify or correct under §658-10. 74 H. 210, 847 P.2d 652.

In light of legislative intent of this chapter, circuit court had no jurisdiction to consolidate arbitrations where arbitration agreements were silent as to consolidation. 77 H. 481, 889 P.2d 58.

Because the circuit court’s review of an arbitration award is constrained by this chapter, and the statute does not provide for the increase of an arbitration award by the addition of prejudgment interest, the circuit court does not have the authority to order the payment of interest commencing prior to the date of the arbitration award. 90 H. 167, 977 P.2d 175.

Discussed: 87 H. 136 (App.), 952 P.2d 893.