Attorney General Opinions

Statute does not run against State. Att. Gen. Op. 63-36.

Law Journals and Reviews

Where complaint is filed on last day of two-year limitation period and counterclaim is filed within three months thereafter, counterclaim is late and subject to dismissal. Haw. Supp, 4 HBJ, Nov 1966, at 32.

Tort and Insurance "Reform" in a Common Law Court. 14 UH L. Rev. 55.

Latent Disease and Toxic Torts in Hawai`i: Analysis of the Statute of Limitations, the Rule Against Splitting Causes of Action and Nonidentification Theories of Liability. 15 UH L. Rev. 137.

Interspousal Torts: A Procedural Framework for Hawai`i. 19 UH L. Rev. 377.

Case Notes

When claim accrues, discussed. 818 F.2d 210.

Claim against asbestos manufacturer was not time-barred because action accrued when plaintiff had knowledge that defendant's negligence may have caused injury. 871 F.2d 891.

Counterclaim filed more than two years after accident not barred, where arising from the incident which gave rise to the complaint. 252 F. Supp. 988.

Not applicable to action for taking and converting personal property. 256 F. Supp. 204, 214, aff'd 378 F.2d 888. See also 78 F. Supp. 421.

Statute of limitations begins to run the moment person discovers or should have discovered the negligent act, the damage, and the causal connection; certification of other plaintiffs' claims as class action did not toll statute of limitations. 611 F. Supp. 1285.

Where plaintiff knew all that was necessary to trigger the statute of limitations on plaintiff’s strict liability claims on date that plaintiff filed worker’s compensation claim, plaintiff’s strict liability claims were not filed within two years of that date and were accordingly time-barred under this section; defendants’ motions for summary judgment on issue of statute of limitations denied as to plaintiff’s negligence action, where defendants failed to show that plaintiff had actual or imputed knowledge of defendants’ negligence or breach of duty. 854 F. Supp. 702.

Two-year limit applied to personal injury claims of negligent and intentional infliction of emotional distress and negligence, claims of discriminatory employment practices under §§378-2 and 378-62, 42 U.S.C. §1983 claim, and claim of discrimination under Title IX. Plaintiff’s 42 U.S.C. §1983, Title IX, and state law claims barred, where neither the collective bargaining proceedings nor the equal employment opportunity proceedings tolled the statute of limitations. 874 F. Supp. 1095.

If plaintiff’s multiple sclerosis was a separate and distinct disease from optic neuritis or plaintiff’s earlier demyelination, plaintiff’s cause of action did not accrue until plaintiff discovered or should have discovered that plaintiff had multiple sclerosis and that injections of vaccine, negligently manufactured by defendant or containing a dangerous defect, caused the multiple sclerosis. 875 F. Supp. 701.

Retaliatory discharge claim dismissed as untimely where no genuine issue of equitable tolling on basis of mental incapacity found. 938 F. Supp. 1503.

Accrual of plaintiff's causes of action and tolling of limitations period discussed, where plaintiff's claims for personal injury against defendant were barred by operation of two-year statute of limitations. 945 F. Supp. 1334.

Where defendant contended that claim for breach of implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing was barred by two-year statute of limitations governing damage to persons and property (657-7), since there is no element in the cause of action for bad faith that requires a plaintiff to suffer personal injury, it is not in reality a cause of action based upon a "personal injury", and the applicable statute of limitations is six years and is found in the catchall provision of 657-1 (657-1(4)). 986 F. Supp. 1334.

It could not be disputed that by the time the underinsured motorist benefits were paid, plaintiff either knew or should have known that defendant's alleged refusal to engage in settlement negotiations caused plaintiff injury; any claims for emotional distress were time-barred. 11 F. Supp. 2d 1204.

Plaintiff may rely on events which occurred prior to the limitations period in order to establish intentional infliction of emotional distress claim, as long as the incidents are constant and closely related to the violations which occurred within the period of limitations. 75 F. Supp. 2d 1113.

Where plaintiff alleged violations of 42 U.S.C. ' 198l which occurred within two-year statute of limitations period, plaintiff may rely on events which occurred outside the limitations period in order to establish a pattern of conduct and/or intent of defendant. 75 F. Supp. 2d 1113.

Limitations period applicable to cause of action for bad faith, discussed; where complaint was not filed until almost one year after the limitations period had lapsed, to the extent that complaint alleged a claim for the tort of bad faith denial of benefits, summary judgment granted in favor of defendant as to plaintiff's claim for tort of bad faith. 11 F. Supp. 2d 1204.

Under prior law, action for injury to person barred without exception for disability of infancy. 20 H. 170.

Applies to trespass on land. 20 H. 237.

Amendment to complaint concerning punitive damages may be made, when. 30 H. 17.

Action to cancel release and prevent its use in action for injuries not subject to defense of laches when action for the injuries not barred. 32 H. 936, aff'd 75 F.2d 74.

Revival of cause of action by statute, whether intended. 33 H. 379, reh'g den. 33 H. 409.

In malpractice action statute begins to run when plaintiff discovers, or acting reasonably should have discovered, defendant's alleged negligence. 50 H. 150, 433 P.2d 220; 2 H. App. 506, 635 P.2d 244.

Statute begins to run for negligent injury to real property when the plaintiff knows or should have discovered that an actionable wrong has been committed. 50 H. 397, 441 P.2d 636.

Under HRCP 15(c), claim asserted in amended pleadings after statute has run will not be barred if it arose out of a timely pleaded factual situation. 52 H. 563, 481 P.2d 310.

Waiver of statute; where one lulls another as by a stipulation into allowing the statute to run out, one cannot assert the statute as a bar. 52 H. 563, 481 P.2d 310.

Statute of limitations begins to run the moment person discovers or should have discovered the negligent act, the damage, and the causal connection. 65 H. 84, 648 P.2d 689.

Two-year statute of limitations governs actions brought under 42 U.S.C. §1983 rather than six-year "catchall" limitations period of §657-1(4). 73 H. 578, 837 P.2d 1247.

Claim of breach of implied warranty of merchantability for personal injury from pacemaker governed under statute of limitations in §490:2-725 rather than this section. 74 H. 1, 837 P.2d 1273.

Plaintiff's lack of knowledge regarding a legal duty, the breach of which may have caused plaintiff's injury, did not justify application of "discovery rule"; plaintiff's failure to seek legal advice from an attorney did not toll statute of limitations. 81 H. 391, 917 P.2d 718.

Where all that had not been discovered by plaintiff was identity of defendant, discovery rule did not apply to toll this section. 82 H. 461, 923 P.2d 403.

Issue of when childhood sexual abuse victim discovered, or should have discovered, that alleged injuries were caused by defendant's alleged actions was question of fact for jury; reasonable jury could find that victim filed suit within two years of discovering alleged injuries and cause of those injuries. 83 H. 28, 924 P.2d 196.

As action for bad faith against insurer is an independent tort, the proper limitation provision for bringing an action should not be that provided in the insurance policy, but rather that provided in this section, which limits causes of action for torts to two years. 88 H. 442 (App.), 967 P.2d 639.

Cited: 978 F.2d 493; 198 F. Supp. 78, 90; 22 H. 140, 141; 24 H. 258.

Hawaii Legal Reporter Citations

Two-year statute of limitations. 79 HLR 79-0163.