Rules of Court

See HRCP rule 4.

Law Journals and Reviews

Jurisdiction Under Hawaii's New "Long Arm" Statute. 4 HBJ, Feb 1966, at 4.

Products Liability in Hawaii. 14 HBJ 127.

Case Notes

Negligent manufacture outside the State, resulting in injury in the State, constituted "commission of tortious act within the State." 417 F.2d 231.

Requirement of minimum contact to satisfy due process discussed in holding manufacturer in England subject to state jurisdiction. 417 F.2d 231.

Prerequisites of minimum contacts to satisfy due process discussed. 54 H. 597, 513 P.2d 165.

Minimum contact requirement held not met in a medical malpractice action. 56 H. 306, 536 P.2d 568.

Tort is "committed in this State" when the injury occurs in this State. 56 H. 306, 536 P.2d 568.

Under both the "transacting business" and "tortious act" clauses of this section, the cause of action must relate to the defendant's contacts in the State. 558 F.2d 948.

Does not express "strong policy" that insurance cases must be tried in state despite contrary insurance contract clause. 738 F.2d 1455.

Definition of term "doing or carrying on business" in Hawaii statute relating to foreign corporations and filing does not restrict or limit definition or scope of term "transaction of business" in statute. 253 F. Supp. 588.

Sufficiency of contact with State for application of statute. 290 F. Supp. 848.

Facts held sufficient to constitute transaction of business in State. 59 H. 189, 579 P.2d 99.

Establishment of contractual relationship through the mail; "transaction of business"; minimum contact. 61 H. 644, 608 P.2d 394.

Expands jurisdiction of Hawaii's courts to extent permitted by due process clause of the fourteenth amendment. 61 H. 644, 608 P.2d 394.

Plaintiff had not demonstrated that defendant was "transacting business" in Hawai`i; plaintiff sufficiently alleged a prima facie case that defendant committed a "tortious act within this State" for purposes of subsection (a)(2); plaintiff sufficiently alleged a tortious breach of contract to satisfy demands of due process. 76 H. 323, 876 P.2d 1291.