Cross References
Hawaii children's trust fund, see chapter 350B.
Law Journals and Reviews
1998 Hawai`i Legislation and Case Law Update. 21 UH L. Rev. 317.
Case Notes
When family court is concerned about potential abuse of a minor, it may take action under this chapter to promptly address problem, regardless of whether action was initiated under chapter 571 or by way of formal petition under this chapter. 84 H. 41, 928 P.2d 883.
Nothing in §571-61(a) or this chapter indicates that when the department of human services and the affected parents settle a termination proceeding, they may do so only by resorting to a §571-61(a) proceeding. 90 H. 200 (App.), 978 P.2d 166.
Nothing in this chapter precludes settlement of a proceeding brought under §587-73. 90 H. 200 (App.), 978 P.2d 166.