Rules of Court

Pleadings, see Hawaii Family Court Rules, part A(III).

Case Notes

Family court had power and discretion to award temporary foster custody of minor to department of human services under subsection (c) where court determined home of minor's father was unsafe. 84 H. 41, 928 P.2d 883.

If family court has information necessary to make a decision on a chapter 587 issue, even in absence of formal petition outlined in this section, court may still exercise its powers under subsection (c). 84 H. 41, 928 P.2d 883.

When family court is concerned about potential abuse of a minor, it may take action under this chapter to promptly address problem, regardless of whether action was initiated under chapter 571 or by way of formal petition under this chapter. 84 H. 41, 928 P.2d 883.

Subsection (a)(1) requirement that a petition be "verified" is satisfied by a declaration under penalty of perjury that the matters therein are "true and correct". 91 H. 166 (App.), 981 P.2d 723.