Law Journals and Reviews

An Essay in Family Law: Property Division, Alimony, Child Support, and Child Custody. 6 UH L. Rev. 381.

Case Notes

Hawaii held to be the home state for jurisdictional purposes despite a temporary absence, and California ceased to be the home state after residency there ceased. California court did not have jurisdiction based upon the best interests of the child. 60 H. 567, 592 P.2d 826.

No basis for jurisdiction over child. 64 H. 553, 645 P.2d 300.

Bona fide (as opposed to technical) domicile is a significant connection, record suggested that party and child moved to Hawaii as bona fide domiciliaries; to satisfy "substantial evidence" requirement of subsection (a)(2)(B), one does not have to prove what has been; all one has to prove is what is or what is anticipated. 2 H. App. 519, 634 P.2d 1609.