Case Notes

Service by publication strictly construed, and when publication required to be made in certain newspapers cannot be made in others. 14 H. 596. Libellee without Territory should be notified when to appear. 17 H. 463. Proceeding being in rem, under certain circumstances, decree may issue although court never acquired actual jurisdiction of defendant. 24 H. 239. And decree void where jurisdiction of libellee not acquired. 20 H. 623. No jurisdiction to hear case until thirty days after completion of service, or after appearance without service. 20 H. 633. Publication prior to April 26, 1903. 14 H. 498.

Under the record, plaintiff failed to make reasonable and due inquiry, and service by publication was unauthorized. 55 H. 34, 514 P.2d 865.

Requirements for court to acquire in rem jurisdiction. 7 H. App. 102, 747 P.2d 1281.

Cited: 3 H. 300, 301; 8 H. 478, 490.