Rules of Court
Consent, parties, see HFCR rule 104.
Summons, see HFCR rule 105.
Case Notes
Mother who in divorce case consents to provision awarding care, custody and control of child to husband and reserving visiting rights has not thereby surrendered to another the care and custody of the child within the meaning of this section. 32 H. 443. Voluntary surrender. 42 H. 250.
Appointment of guardian ad litem is within sound discretion of judge. 42 H. 250; 45 H. 69, 361 P.2d 1054.
Nonsupport not synonymous with abandonment. 50 H. 255, 438 P.2d 398.
Necessity of natural father's consent after his marriage to the mother (under prior law). 52 H. 395, 477 P.2d 780.
"Has failed to communicate", as used in subsection (c), means failure, when able, to maintain contact which would show parental love and concern; actual visit is communication. 56 H. 412, 539 P.2d 467.
"Placed for adoption" under subsection (f) discussed. 73 H. 314, 832 P.2d 265.
Consent to adoption must be acknowledged under Hawaii family court rule 103(F)(5). 1 H. App. 364, 619 P.2d 1092.
On issue of whether court's allowance of withdrawal of consent to adoption under subsection (f) will be for the child's best interest, §§571-46(1) and 587-1 do not apply. 85 H. 165 (App.), 938 P.2d 1184.